petek, 18. november 2022

SCIENCE IN WODERFUL! - Evropska komisija vabi MSCA raziskovalke in raziskovalce ter osnovnošolske in srednješolske učiteljice in učitelje, da se skupaj predstavijo javnosti v Bruslju!

MSCA raziskovalke in raziskovalci ter osnovnošolske in srednješolske učiteljice in učitelji se lahko do 1. decembra prijavite na razpis Evropske komisije za predstavitev vaših raziskovalnih idej za skupno predstavitev na sejmu Science is Wonderful!, ki bo 16. in 17. marca 2023 v Bruslju.

Ne zamudite ugodne priložnosti za vašo predstavitev v Bruslju!

Vse podrobnosti in obrazci za prijavo so na 👉 uradni spletnistrani Evropske komisije Science is Wonderful!

SCIENCE IS WONDERFUL! - Evropska komisija vabi MSCA raziskovalke in raziskovalce, da se predstavijo javnosti v Bruslju!

MSCA raziskovalke in raziskovalci se lahko do 1. decembra 2022 prijavite na razpis Evropske komisije za predstavitev vaših raziskovalnih idej na sejmu Science is Wonderful!, ki bo 16. in 17. marca 2023 v Bruslju.

Ne zamudite ugodne priložnosti za vašo predstavitev v Bruslju!

Več podrobnosti si lahko preberete na 👉 uradni spletnistrani Evropske komisije Science is Wonderful!

Za pogoje in prijavni obrazec kliknite na 👉 povezavo do obrazca

Evropska komisija vabi na virtualno predstavitev razpisa MSCA izmenjava osebja, 7.12.2022

Vljudno vabljeni na virtualno predstavitev razpisa MSCA izmenjava osebja, 7.12.2022 od 10.30 do 12.30. 

Več o dogodku in o povezavi do dogodka na 👉 uradni spletni strani MSCA.

sreda, 16. november 2022

Včeraj se je zaključil razpis za MSCA doktorske mreže (MSCA DN)

Iz Evropske komisije sporočajo, da je na včeraj zaključeni razpis za MSCA doktorske mreže prispelo 946 predlogov projektov, kar je 130 manj kot prejšnje leto. Pričakujemo, da bo financiranih okoli 150 projektov. 

👉 Podrobnejše informacije lahko preberete na uradni spletni strani MSCA. 

Vsem prijaviteljem iz Slovenije želimo veliko uspeha v evalvacijskem postopku in uvrstitev na seznam financiranih projektov! 

ponedeljek, 7. november 2022

Vabljeni k branju oktobrske številke MSCA Newsletter!


👉 Povezava do MSCA Newsletter!

Happy birthday to Marie Skłodowska-Curie!


Invitation to get involved in the preparations for the establishment of the Slovenian MCAA Chapter on November 15 at 1 p.m. at MIZŠ, Kotnikov 38, Ljubljana

European research projects in the Marie Skłodowska Curie Action (MSCA) have been promoting the development of excellent research careers for many years across Europe as well as in Slovenia. Only within the framework of the Horizon 2020 tenders, 250 Slovenian researchers were involved in MSCA projects, while 220 researchers came to Slovenian research organizations. 

MSCA researchers can join the Marie Curie Alumni Association - MCAA, which is an international non-profit organization with the support of the European Commission and operates on a voluntary basis of its members according to their interests and needs in accordance with MSCA principles. 

  More about MCAA at 


MSCA members can establish national section, so-called chapters, to pursue their specific interests and needs in their local environment and connect with others around the world. In Slovenia, last year, together with a group of current and former MSCA researchers, we launched an initiative to establish a Slovenian MCAA Chapter, but due to the pandemic situation, we were not very successful. 

Therefore, this year, on the symbolic day that is the date of birth of Marie Skłodowska Curie (November 7, 1867), we are reviving the initiative and invite you to get involved in the preparations for the establishment of the Slovenian MCAA Chapter. All current and former MSCA researchers are invited to help design and implement the MCAA program in Slovenia. 

The meeting will be held on November  15 at 1 p.m. at MIZŠ, Kotnikova 38 in meeting room 503/504 on the fifth floor. 

Everyone who is interested to actively participate in the preparation and establishment of the Slovenian MCAA Chapter is cordially invited to a working meeting, where we will discuss the preparation of the MCAA program in Slovenia. The meeting will be held in English and MSCA researchers from other countries who are currently doing research at our research organisations are especially welcome. 

For all the details, you can already contact the initiators of the establishment: and


The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia supports the establishment of the MSCA alumni club in Slovenia and wishes to cooperate with all former and current MSCA researchers in various activities related to the promotion and role of MSCA principles in the national scientific research and innovation system. 

Bringing together former and current MSCA researchers in Slovenia is very important for the preservation and development of the international culture of knowledge and for the mutual exchange of experiences, attitudes and knowledge, as well as for mutual cooperation and assistance to younger candidates in applying for MSCA tenders within the framework of the European Horizons program and beyond. 


We look forward to meeting you and welcome you! 

dr. Urška Lampe 

dr. Sebastian Dahle 

dr. Stojan Sorčan