petek, 18. oktober 2024

Obvestilo Evropske komisije: Excellent Science study – MSCA-related findings

📢 Iz Evropske komisije smo prejeli naslednje obvestilo: 

We are pleased to inform you that the European Commission has published the Excellent Science external evaluation study, part of the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe.

The study assesses the contribution of Horizon Europe to excellent science, focusing on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions as well as other parts of Horizon Europe Pillar 1, and feeds into the broader mid-term evaluation of Horizon Europe that is currently ongoing.

The study highlights the crucial contribution of the MSCA in strengthening human capital in research and innovation, boosting research talent and supporting Europe’s competitiveness. 

Amongst the many findings, the study establishes that the bottom-up nature of the MSCA continues to be a key element of their success and that as a highly attractive and competitive programme, the MSCA continue to attract well-networked organisations with a long-standing tradition of scientific excellence. 
The MSCA remain the Horizon Europe programme which most stimulates the mobility of researchers across countries, both within the EU and beyond; while retaining research talent within the European scientific community and facilitating the return of European researchers. Beyond this, the MSCA provide unique career development opportunities and prospects; and foster better recruitment practices and working conditions for researchers across Europe, in addition to creating tangible positive impacts for research organisations, as well as undisputed European added value.

However, the study also shows that under the 2021 and 2022 calls only, an additional 6 billion euros would have been needed to fund all the unsuccessful high-quality proposals received. 

You may consult the study at the following links:
👉Summary of MSCA-related findings: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions boost research talent and support Europe’s competitiveness despite insufficient budget, study shows
👉 Annexes

četrtek, 17. oktober 2024

Vabilo iz Evropske komisije: Vprašalnik za študente/ke in mentorje/ice doktorskega študija (MSCA in ne-MSCA)

The European Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission is conducting an anonymous survey to gather feedback on the added value of MSCA PhDs, in comparison to other doctoral programmes.

Your input is valuable to us, as it will help us improve the MSCA Doctoral Networks programme which we are managing.

The survey is addressed to principal investigators/supervisors or PhD researchers (PhD completed or ongoing) involved in MSCA and non-MSCA funded projects.

To participate, click here and follow the instructions provided. Please note that it may take up to 1-2 minutes for the survey to load completely. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until ⏰27 October 2024.

 Our organization complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we are committed to protecting your privacy and anonymity. For additional information, please see the provided Data ProtectionNotice.

Thank you for your time and valuable input. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

European Research Executive Agency (REA)

Unit REA.A.1 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks

MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024 Call Brokerage

Obvestilo smo vas že, da je Evropska komisija najavila Informativni dogodek ob razpisu MSCA izmenjava osebja, ki bo 15. novembra 2024. 

Od 12.30 do 20.00 bo organiziran tudi Brokerage Event, ki bo omogočil sestanke s potencialnimi partnerji v obliki 1 z 1. 

Tudi za ta del se morate posebej registrirati 👉na tej povezavi

Vljudno vabljeni!

petek, 11. oktober 2024

Podpora izvajalcem MSCA politik: MSCAdvocacy

 Evropska komisija (EK) je leta 2022 začela izvajati nov projekt z imenom „MSCAdvocacy“, ki spodbuja  mednarodno sodelovanje v okviru akcij Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) v okviru programa Obzorje Evropa. 

Projekt ponuja oblikovalcem politik, raziskovalnim ustanovam, posameznim raziskovalcem, inovatorjem, nacionalnim kontaktnim točkam in drugim  vrsto storitev za boljše sodelovanje v programu MSCA.

MSCAdvocacy nudi individualno podporo in podporo za posamezne države v več kot 25 državah in regijah.

👉 Spletna stran MSCAdvocacy

👉 Naročilo na njihov mesečni Newsletter, kjer lahko preberete več o njihovi podpori politikam, možnostih in trendih mednarodnega sodelovanja ter o aktualnih razpisih za financiranje.


četrtek, 10. oktober 2024

Zaključni konferenci MSCA ITN projektov, ki ju koordinira Institut "Jožef Stefan" v Portorožu

Institut Jožef Stefan, Odsek za znanosti o okolju te dni organizira zaključni konferenci dveh MSCA ITN projektov v Portorožu, in sicer: 

Global Mercury Observation and Training Network in Support to the Minamata Convention - GMOS-Train (koordinatorica: Prof. Dr. Milena Horvat)

👩🏻‍🎓 15 doktorskih študentk in študentov 

🏛️ 9 akademskih in 🏭 1 industrijski partner 

🌍 5 držav

👉 spletna stran projekta 

👉 predstavitev CORDIS 

Advanced research and Training Network in Food quality, safety and security - FoodTraNet (koordinatorica: Prof. Dr. Nives Ogrinc)

👩🏻‍🎓 15 doktorskih študentk in študentov 

🏛️ 8 akademskih in 🏭 2 industrijska partnerja

🌍 7 držav

20 pridruženih organizacij za izobraževanje in pridobivanje dodatnih veščin 

👉 spletna stran projekta 

👉 predstavitev CORDIS 

Obema projektoma čestitamo za izjemne uspehe!

Vljudno vas vabimo, da si na spletni straneh pogledate oba projekta, saj boste morda našli navdih in ideje za pripravo vašega novega MSCA DN projekta. 

⏳ Letošnji razpis se bo zaključil 27. novembra 2024. 

📅 Prihodnji razpis bo odprt od 28. maja do 25. novembra 2025. 

Slovenija je v Obzorju 2020 in Obzorju Evropa izvajalka šestih koordinacijskih projektov ITN oz. DN (International Training Networks oz. Doctoral Networks), ki se izvajajo na Univerzi v Ljubljani (3 projekti), IJS (2 projekta)  in na Nacionalnem inštitutu za biologijo (1 projekt).  

Glavni namen teh projektov je v mednarodnem, interdisciplinarnem in medsektorskem doktorskem izobraževanju ter raziskovanju. 

👉 Več o MSCA DN!


Sporočilo Evropske komisije: MSCA raziskovalec David Baker je prejel Nobelovo nagrado 2024 iz kemije

📢 Evropska komisija sporoča, da je MSCA raziskovalec David Baker  prejel Nobelovo nagrado 2024 iz kemije. 

V sporočilu piše:   

"David Baker, a pioneering researcher who has received support from the European Commission, has been named one of the 2024 Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry. Baker received the award for his groundbreaking work in developing new proteins for a wide range of applications, including medicines, vaccines, nanomaterials, and precision sensors. His discovery has the potential to positively impact sectors ranging from medicine to material science.

Throughout his career, Baker has worked extensively with European scholars, and he has been backed by the EU to advance his studies. He participated in four Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) projects funded by Horizon 2020 and previous EU programmes for research and innovation, allowing him to host, train and supervise MSCA postdoctoral fellows. Two of these projects focused specifically on protein design.

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said:
“Professor Baker’s work highlights the power of curiosity-driven science and the value of international collaboration. The EU is happy to have funded his work and allowed excellent researchers to develop their skills and career under his guidance through Horizon Europe’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. We are committed to fostering cutting-edge research that benefits both Europe and the global community.”

With this award, Baker joins the gallery of 18 MSCA fellows, scientists and supervisors who have received the high-profile award since 2010."

👉 Več lahko preberete na spletni strani MSCA.

torek, 8. oktober 2024

Približuje se rok za oddajo prijav na ARIS za Pečat odličnosti v okviru razpisa MSCA PF 2023: rok je 15.10.2024

📢 ARIS bo sofinanciral predloge projektov, ki so jih slovenske gostiteljske organizacije oddale na razpis MSCA PF 2023 in so pridobile Pečat odličnosti (85 % ali več) in niso bili financirani s strani Evropske komisije ali drugih virov. 

⏳ Prijavo lahko oddate na ARIS še do 15. oktobra 2024 do 24.00 ure. 

👉 Več o načinu prijave na spletni strani ARIS