petek, 18. oktober 2024

Vabilo: Srečanje MSCA alumni kluba ob 157. obletnici rojstva Marie Skłodowska-Curie, 7. november ob 17.00 na UL BTF

Letos je formalno pričel delovati MSCA alumni klub v Sloveniji. 

V okviru Meseca znanosti so vse sedanje in bivše MSCA raziskovalke in raziskovalci  vljudno vabljeni na srečanje ob 157. obletnici rojstva Marie Skłodowska-Curie, ki bo

 7. novembra ob 17.00  z naslovom: Excellent Research in MSCA Project. 

🧭 Dogodek bo na Univerzi v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo, predavalnica Gozdarstvo 6, Rožna Dolina, cesta XV/31, 1000 Ljubljana 

Na srečanju bomo predstavili podporo MSCA  programom, ki jo nudi Univerza v Ljubljani ter prikazali vse MSCA projekte iz Slovenije, ki so bili letos sprejeti v financiranje. Namen srečanja je v oblikovanju podpore, ki jo sedanje in bivše raziskovalke in raziskovalci lahko nudijo prijaviteljem novih MSCA projektov. 

Veselimo se, da se bomo spoznali in si izmenjali svoje izkušnje o raziskovanju v Sloveniji. 

👉 Program in vabilo!

Lepo vabljene bivše in sedanje MSCA raziskovalke in raziskovalci!

Vabilo na predstavitev projekta MSCA COFUND - SQUASH - Slovensko središče za kvantno znanost - torek, 22. 10. ob 14h30

Institut "Jožef Stefan" je letos pridobil prestižni MSCA COFUND projekt - SQUASH

Kratka predstavitev projekta na 👉 spletni strani MVZI

V vabilo na javno predstavitev so na IJS zapisali: 

Eno od prioritetnih področij delovanja Instituta “Jožef Stefan” so kvantne tehnologije, ki izkoriščajo nenavadne zakone kvantne fizike za doseganje prebojev na področju računalništva, komunikacij in zaznavanja. S kvantno kriptografijo je možen popolnoma varen prenos informacij brez možnosti prestrezanja. Kvantni računalniki lahko rešijo kompleksne probleme v sekundah, za katere bi klasični superračunalniki potrebovali milijone let.


Zato smo toliko bolj ponosni ob pridobitvi projekta SQUASH - Slovensko središče za kvantno znanost (Slovenian Quantum Science Hub). 



Vabimo vas na 



ki bo v torek, 22. oktobra 2024 ob 14.30

veliki predavalnici na Jamovi 39 v Ljubljani.


Vabilo iz Evropske komisije: Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

Evropska komisija vabi na spletni dogodek z naslovom 

Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

Date: 23 October 2024, from 10:00h to 12:00h (CEST, Brussels time)

Target group: Applicants and beneficiaries who are or will be involved in lump sum grants 

👉 Event website: Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?  (remote only, no need to register)

Lepo vabljeni!

Vabilo: MSCA Success Stories from the Western Balkans, 7. 11. 2024

Evropsko združenje  MSCAdvocacy organizira spletni dogodek: 

MSCA Success Stories from the Western Balkans,

7. november 2024, od 14.00 do 15.30.

Lepo vabljeni!

Več o namenu, programu in registraciji na tej 👉 spletni strani.

Obvestilo Evropske komisije: Excellent Science study – MSCA-related findings

📢 Iz Evropske komisije smo prejeli naslednje obvestilo: 

We are pleased to inform you that the European Commission has published the Excellent Science external evaluation study, part of the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe.

The study assesses the contribution of Horizon Europe to excellent science, focusing on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions as well as other parts of Horizon Europe Pillar 1, and feeds into the broader mid-term evaluation of Horizon Europe that is currently ongoing.

The study highlights the crucial contribution of the MSCA in strengthening human capital in research and innovation, boosting research talent and supporting Europe’s competitiveness. 

Amongst the many findings, the study establishes that the bottom-up nature of the MSCA continues to be a key element of their success and that as a highly attractive and competitive programme, the MSCA continue to attract well-networked organisations with a long-standing tradition of scientific excellence. 
The MSCA remain the Horizon Europe programme which most stimulates the mobility of researchers across countries, both within the EU and beyond; while retaining research talent within the European scientific community and facilitating the return of European researchers. Beyond this, the MSCA provide unique career development opportunities and prospects; and foster better recruitment practices and working conditions for researchers across Europe, in addition to creating tangible positive impacts for research organisations, as well as undisputed European added value.

However, the study also shows that under the 2021 and 2022 calls only, an additional 6 billion euros would have been needed to fund all the unsuccessful high-quality proposals received. 

You may consult the study at the following links:
👉Summary of MSCA-related findings: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions boost research talent and support Europe’s competitiveness despite insufficient budget, study shows
👉 Annexes

četrtek, 17. oktober 2024

Vabilo iz Evropske komisije: Vprašalnik za študente/ke in mentorje/ice doktorskega študija (MSCA in ne-MSCA)

The European Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission is conducting an anonymous survey to gather feedback on the added value of MSCA PhDs, in comparison to other doctoral programmes.

Your input is valuable to us, as it will help us improve the MSCA Doctoral Networks programme which we are managing.

The survey is addressed to principal investigators/supervisors or PhD researchers (PhD completed or ongoing) involved in MSCA and non-MSCA funded projects.

To participate, click here and follow the instructions provided. Please note that it may take up to 1-2 minutes for the survey to load completely. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until ⏰27 October 2024.

 Our organization complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we are committed to protecting your privacy and anonymity. For additional information, please see the provided Data ProtectionNotice.

Thank you for your time and valuable input. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

European Research Executive Agency (REA)

Unit REA.A.1 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks

MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024 Call Brokerage

Obvestilo smo vas že, da je Evropska komisija najavila Informativni dogodek ob razpisu MSCA izmenjava osebja, ki bo 15. novembra 2024. 

Od 12.30 do 20.00 bo organiziran tudi Brokerage Event, ki bo omogočil sestanke s potencialnimi partnerji v obliki 1 z 1. 

Tudi za ta del se morate posebej registrirati 👉na tej povezavi

Vljudno vabljeni!