petek, 4. februar 2022

Obvestilo iz Francije: Razpis za podoktorske štipendije MSCA COFUND za področje genomike, bioinformatike, regenerativne medicine ipd. do 20.2.2022

The post-doctoral COFUND program ApogeeBio, run by Genopole biocluster, French leading biocluster located south of Paris region, launched a call to recruit 8 postdoctoral fellows in research fields such as genomics, bioinformatics, regenerative medicine etc. The deadline for applications is 20 February.

This message is to inform you about ApogeeBio postdoctoral programme supported by the European Union H2020.

ApogeeBio funds fellowships dedicated to the international mobility toward Genopole biocluster, French leading biocluster located south of Paris region.
This opportunity may interest researchers within your teams for postdoctoral research in the fields of biotechnologies, maths and informatics as well as management sciences all applied to health and to environment.
More on APogeeBio here

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