Včeraj podeljeno Nobelovo nagrado za fiziko sta prejela dva MSCA koordinatorja in mentorja, Anne L'Huillier in Ferenc Krausz. Pridružila sta se galeriji MSCA štipendistov, znanstvenikov in mentorjev, ki so prejele najvišje nagrade.
"Lep primer, da MSCA podpira odlične znanstvenike in znanstvenice", je nagrado komentirala naša uspešna MSCA raziskovalka prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc iz Univerze v Novi Gorici.
Iz Evropske komisije smo prejeli naslednjo obrazložitev:
"The Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded them and Pierre Agostini the prestigious
science price “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of
light for the study of electron dynamics in matter”.
Dr L’Huillier has
supervised MSCA postdoctoral researchers and coordinated several MSCA projects over
the past two decades, including ATTOPIE, OHIO and ATTOCO.
Recently she also obtained funding for the MSCA doctoral
training network MEDEA under Horizon 2020, training and supervising
doctoral researchers. Dr Krausz has supervised MSCA postdoctoral
researchers and coordinated several MSCA projects over the past two decades,
including NICOS,
Both L’Huillier and Krausz
obtained funding and cooperated through the MSCA doctoral training
network ATTOFEL, and trained and supervised a number of doctoral
researchers. They also received MSCA funding through several projects under
FP6, the 6th EU’s research and innovation programme."
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