📢Evropska komisija organizira spletno razpravo o demokraciji, vrednotah in identiteti v polariziranem svetu, ki bo 📅7. marca 2025 od 12.30 do 14.00.
Iz vabila:
MSCA is organising the third and final lunchtime
conversation in the democracy series. The online event will take place on Friday,
7 March 12.30-14.00 CET, titled Democracy, values and identities in
polarised spaces.
This event will explore the interplay between
citizens’ diverse identities and the values attached to them on one hand, and
political attitudes and behaviours regarding often polarising issues (e.g.
health, climate, migration) on the other.
The discussion will address perspectives on public
policies and responsible institutions at national or EU level. The speakers
will present relevant findings from their projects, comment on policy
implications of their work and reflect on the responsibility and capacity of
science to (in)form citizens’ views/opinions.
This time, we bring together MSCA (PF), ERC and
Horizon Europe Cluster 2, supported by a citizens’ engagement expert from DG
Communication in the final policy remarks.
More information and registrations are available on
the event page here.
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