torek, 5. julij 2022

Vabilo Evropske komisije: ESOF 2022 MSCA Satellite Event, Leiden, 12-13 July 2022

The ESOF 2022 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Satellite Event will take place on 12 and 13 July in Leiden. MSCA fellows, supervisors, coordinators, alumni and policy makers will gather to debate and contribute to priority topics for the research ecosystem, interact and network. The programme will include panel discussions, practical workshops, social events and networking opportunities. The event will gather high-level panellists to address topics such as science diplomacy and approaches to science policy, sustainable research to strengthen the European research ecosystem and careers in research and values in research and academic freedom.

We are pleased to invite you to attend online the main sessions of the MSCA Satellite Event.

Register now to follow them and check the programme for more information.

About the EuroScience Open Forum 2022

The 10th edition of the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) will take place in a hybrid mode, online and in Leiden (the Netherlands), the European City of Science 2022, from 13 July to 16 July 2022.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions will also be present onsite and online at the ESOF 2022 main conference through the following sessions and events:

·       Poster presentation “Skills for resilient researchers” (15 July, 12.45 to 13.45 CEST), poster area at the Pieterskerk venue, onsite

·       Session “Doctoral Mobility under Erasmus+ and MSCA: Opportunities and complementarity” (15 July, 15.45 to 17 CEST), online

·       Between 13 and 16 July the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions will also be present at the EU Pavilion of the ESOF Exhibition (Pieterskerk venue). The pavilion will include a wide range of activities, including TED-style talks, virtual reality experiences, and the European Talent Fair on Saturday, July 16, which will be open and accessible to everyone, live sketching with young artists, and virtual escape games on sustainability and space. 

ESOF is one of the largest multidisciplinary science conferences in Europe, which overarching theme in 2022 is “Crossing Borders, Engaged Science, Resilient Societies”. Throughout the whole event, participants will discuss the following core question: “How will science be conducted in the future and how can science improve its role of being a transformative agent for societal change?”.

Registrations to the ESOF 2022 main conference are done through the event’s website.

ponedeljek, 4. julij 2022

Sodelovanje Švice v razpisih MSCA v Obzorju Evropa

Iz Švice smo dobili naslednje obvestilo o sodelovanju njihove države v razpisih MSCA v Obzorju Evropa:

"This is just to inform you that we updated our factsheet on  how to include Swiss Partners in MSCA Doctoral Networks.

The most important message is that Swiss institutions CAN be included as ‘associated partners’ ON TOP of the maximum EU contribution. So Swiss associated partners can host doctoral candidates and will receive direct national funding. You find the factsheet on the Euresearch MSCA webpage."

Key Information: 

Swiss eligibility

"As a non-EU country, Switzerland has to negotiate the association to Horizon Europe. Currently, Switzerland has the status of a third country. Organisations based in Switzerland can participate in MSCA Doctoral Networks (former ITN), MSCA Staff Exchanges and COFUND as ‘Associated Partners’. The Swiss project partner will not be funded by the European Commission but by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation. Furthermore, as long as this status remains unchanged, researchers with a Swiss host institution are not eligible to apply to the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships. Switzerland is eligible as host country for the outgoing phase of a Global Fellowship. However, Swiss nationals are NOT eligible for participation in MSCA Global Fellowships unless they are long-term residents of an EU Member State or a country associated to Horizon Europe. 

For further information, please check here."


sreda, 29. junij 2022

Razpis za MSCA mreže doktorskega študija: empirično stanje v Sloveniji

Razpis za MSCA mreže doktorskega študija  (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01-01) je odprt do 15. novembra 2022. Razpis je namenjen implementiranju oziroma financiranju doktorskih študijskih programov v konzorcijskem sodelovanju organizacij iz različnih sektorjev v Evropi in tudi širše nje.

Razpis za MSCA mreže doktorskega študija je namenjen vsestranskemu izobraževanju ustvarjalnih, podjetnih in  inovativnih doktorskih kandidatov, ki so se sposobni intelektualno soočiti s sedanjimi in prihodnjimi izzivi ter pretvarjati znanje in ideje v proizvode in storitve za gospodarsko in družbeno korist. Razpisi za MSCA mreže doktorskega študija krepijo atraktivnost in odličnost doktorskega študija v Evropi, ker raziskovalkam in raziskovalcem nudijo pravo kombinacijo raziskovalnih in drugih specifičnih znanj, ki so potrebna za uspešen prihodnji karierni razvoj, tako na akademskih kot ne-akademskih institucijah, in sicer z mednarodno, med-disciplinarno in med-sektorsko mobilnostjo.  

Na razpis se lahko prijavi mednarodni konzorcij univerz, raziskovalnih inštitutov, podjetij in drugih ne-akademskih institucij. Konzorcij mora biti sestavljen najmanj s tremi neodvisnimi institucijami iz treh različnih držav članic Evropske unije ali držav, ki so priključene Obzorju Evropa. Vsaj ena izmed njih mora biti članica Evropske unije. Poleg navedene minimalne sestave konzorcija se lahko vanj vključi tudi   organizacija iz katerekoli države na svetu.  Posebni pogoji veljajo za industrijski ali skupni doktorski študij.

Posamezni kandidati, raziskovalke in raziskovalci, ki želijo kandidirati na prosta študijska mesta na odobrenih in financiranih projektih za MSCA podoktorske mreže, se morajo na njih prijaviti v okviru razpisov za doktorski študij, ki so najpogosteje in obvezno objavljenih na ERAXESS spletni platformi.

Več  podrobnosti v predstavitvi iz nacionalnegainformativnega dne. 

Razpisi za MSCA mreže doktorskega študija, ki so se v Obzorju 2020 imenovali ITN (International Training Networks), so v okviru MSCA razpisov med najbolj atraktivnimi v Sloveniji. Več kot polovico vseh evropskih sredstev za MSCA v Obzorju 2020 je bilo namenjenih MSCA doktorskemu študiju, in sicer 15,6 milijonov EUR, kar predstavlja 0,5 % vseh razpisanih evropskih sredstev za ta namen.

Enak delež evropskih sredstev za izvedbo MSCA doktorskega študija so pridobile tako univerze kot javni raziskovalni zavodi (41 %). Zelo pomemben je tudi velik  delež podjetij (16 %) pri financiranju projektov za MSCA doktorske študije. 

Največ sredstev za izvedbo MSCA doktorskega študija sta v Obzorju 2020 prejeli Univerza v Ljubljani (5,5 mio EUR) in Institut Jožef Stefan (4,5 mio EUR). 

Raziskovalne organizacije imajo v razpisih MSCA za mreže doktorskega študija lahko vlogo koordinacijske ali sodelujoče organizacije.

V obdobju Obzorja 2020 in v prvem letu Obzorja Evropa so slovenske raziskovalne organizacije prijavile 72 koordinacijskih projektov MSCA za mreže doktorskega študija. Največ Univerza v Ljubljani (29) , Institut Jožef Stefan (22)  in Kemijski inštitut (10). Zanimivo je , da so JRZ prijavili več koordinacijskih projektov (37) kot univerze (33).


Od prijavljenih koordinacijskih projektov za MSCA mreže doktorskega študija je bilo največ predlogov iz področij tehnike (16) , ved o življenju (15) in kemije (14).

Od prijavljenih koordinacijskih projektov je Evropska komisija sprejela 5 projektov v financiranje, kar predstavlja 7 odstotno stopnjo uspeha slovenskih prijaviteljev. Povprečna stopnja uspeha v Obzorju 2020 je bila na teh razpisih 9,7 odstotkov vseh prijaviteljev. Zanimivo je, da je v Sloveniji več financiranih koordinacijskih projektov za MSCA doktorski študij na JRZ kot na univerzah.

Skupaj s koordinacijskimi projekti so slovenske raziskovalne organizacije kot partnerice v konzorcijskih projektov v Obzorju 2020 in v prvem letu Obzorja Evropa prijavile skupaj 830 projektov. Največ prijav so oddale univerze (369), javni raziskovalni zavodi (216) in podjetja (187). Od prijavljenih jih je bilo financiranih 110 projektov, kar predstavlja 13,2 odstotno, nadpovprečno, stopnjo uspeha.


Največ prijav za MSCA doktorski študij je bilo iz področja tehnike (268), ved o življenju (152), ved o okolju (124) in kemije (110).


Od vseh prijavljenih projektov za MSCA doktorski študij je bilo financiranih 55 projektov, in sicer 24 na univerzah, 16 v podjetjih in 15 na JRZ.

Največje število financiranih projektov za MSCA doktorski študij je na področju tehnike (24), ki mu sledijo vede o življenju (8), kemija (7) ter vede o okolju (6) in fizika (6).


torek, 28. junij 2022


Evropska noč raziskovalcev je tradicionalni evropski dogodek, financiran iz Evropske komisije v okviru ukrepov MSCA, ki zbližuje znanstveno raziskovanje ter raziskovalke in raziskovalce s splošno javnostjo, zlasti z mladimi.

Evropsko noč raziskovalcev bosta letos in prihodnje leto v Sloveniji organizirala dva projekta, ki sta v rokah Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani »Humanistika, to si ti!« in konzorcija Hiše eksperimentov »Noč ima svojo moč!«. Osrednjemu dogodku, ki bo potekal 30. septembra po številnih mestih v Sloveniji se bodo pridružili različni pred-dogodki, ki so se že pričeli izvajati.

Projekt Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani »Humanistika, to si ti!« bo letos potekal pod sloganom Človek živali in žival človeku ter raziskuje njun odnos ter soodvisnost. Pri tem združuje ustvarjalce in teoretike članic Univerze v Ljubljani, zunanje partnerje ter v preseku znanosti in umetnosti išče specifiko humanega v sodobni informacijsko-tehnološki potrošniški dobi. V svoje raziskovanje vključuje vse generacije in nagovarja tako akademsko kot neakademsko javnost. Projekt se je začel v začetku junija v Kobilarni Lipica. Na tej povezavi lahko preberete opis dogodka, ki ga je odprl rektor Univerze v Ljubljani, prof. dr. Gregor Majdič. 

Vabimo vas, da si ogledate video posnetek idejne avtorice projekta prof. dr. Mateje Gaber iz Filozofske fakultete Univerze vLjubljani.

Konzorcij partnerjev Ustanova Hiša eksperimentov, Institut »Jožef Stefan,« Kemijski inštitut, Tehniški muzej Slovenije, Geološki zavod Slovenije ter Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani, je skupaj sooblikoval dvoletni projekt »Noč ima svojo moč,« s katerim želijo doseči, da čim širši krog ljudi spozna raziskovalce in njihovo delo. Vsebina njihovega projekta bo obsegale festivale znanosti na glavnih trgih štirih mest, raziskovalne dneve v osnovnih in srednjih šolah, več poljudnih predavanj in delavnic v knjižnicah, domu za starejše, muzejih ... ter odprta vrata v raziskovalnih ustanovah, centru znanosti in kulturnih ustanovah. Izvedli bodo zanimiv eksperiment znanost za državljane "Rastline nam pomagajo brati naravo". Vljudno vabljeni, da se pridružite eksperimentu na tej spletni strani!

Vabimo vas, da si ogledate video posnetek dr. Mihe Kosa iz Hiše eksperimentov, ki razlaga potek eksperimenta.

                                                        Vir slike:

Evropska noč raziskovalcev bo imela v Sloveniji tudi pridruženi dogodek na Univerzi na Primorskem v okviru Meseca znanosti. Njihov program si lahko ogledate na tej povezavi.

Vljudno vabljeni k sodelovanju in eksperimentiranju!

četrtek, 23. junij 2022

Publikacija Evropske komisije: MSCA Cluster Event on the European Green Deal

Evropska komisija je pred dnevi objavila publikacijo iz lanskega posveta o vlogi MSCA projektov pri uresničevanju Evropskega zelenega dogovora. V publikaciji je predstavljenih 69 MSCA projektov, ki na različne načine razvijajo znanja za uresničevanje Evropskega zelenega dogovora. 

Publikacijo priporočamo v branje vsem prijaviteljem MSCA projektov, saj odkriva mnogo dimenzij in najrazličnejših učinkov, ki so vredni nadaljnjega raziskovalnega premisleka. 

Povezava do publikacije je tukaj

torek, 21. junij 2022

Vabilo Evropske komisije: New webinar: The Gender Equality Plan eligibility criterion in Horizon Europe, 23. 06. 2022


We would like to inform you about a new webinar that the European Commission is organising:


Title: The Gender Equality Plan eligibility criterion in Horizon Europe: Who is concerned? How to comply with it?

Date: 23 June 2022, from 14:30H to 16:00H (CEST, Brussels time)

Event website: (no need to register)


This webinar is designed for grant coordinators, project participants and other stakeholders, so we will appreciate you could distribute this information broadly among your constituencies. And, of course, you are most welcome to participate too. 

Publication: Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans

petek, 17. junij 2022

Končani delavnici za pripravo projektov MSCA podoktorskih štipendij in nekaj napotkov za pripravo projektov

V preteklem tednu smo na MIZŠ izvedli dve delavnici o pripravi predlogov projektov na razpis Obzorje Evropa MSCA podoktorske štipendije/Postdoctoral Fellowships (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01) z 20 udeleženkami in udeleženci iz Slovenije. Na osnovi vnaprej pripravljenega gradiva smo se seznanili s tistimi pozitivnimi in negativnimi recenzentskimi ocenami in komentarji pri vseh evalvacijskih kriterijih, ki so bili za udeleženke in udeležence najpomembnejši za pripravo njihovega predloga projekta.

Da pridobljeno znanje ne bo ostalo samo med sodelujočimi, vam v nadaljevanju posredujemo nekaj elementov, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri pripravi predloga projekta pri posameznih evalvacijskih kriterijih, kot smo jih obravnavali na delavnici. Izbor  elementov je naključen in ne odraža celovitosti, ki je potrebna pri opisu posameznega evalvacijskega kriterija. Ker mora biti predlog projekta zapisan v angleškem jeziku, so tudi naši elementi zapisani v angleškem jeziku.

Za vse nadaljnje podrobnosti v zvezi s tem se lahko obrnete name:




-        The proposal addresses a relevant and timely research area for the EU's development policy.

-        The research is clearly described, innovative and important from a cognitive perspective.

-        The theoretical framework is updated and worthy of study. Theoretical and practical outcomes expected from the proposal are thus promising.

-        The state of the art convincingly introduces the existing debates and references for the theoretical framework.  

-        The state of the art is clearly defined – it clearly shows where the researcher deviates from current theoretical thinking.

-        Research objectives and methodology are clearly described.

-        The project addresses a key scientific question with a clear hypothesis to be tested along with well-described and relevant objectives using novel investigation tools.

-        Relevant details are provided concerning the open science practices, such as data categories to be stored and the open repositories to enable accessibility of the data to the scientific community and the public.

-        The training objectives match the research objectives.

-        New competencies and skills that will be developed during the fellowship are sufficiently addressed and seem to be a logical progression in relation to the researcher’s existing professional experience.

-        Interdisciplinary aspects are well outlined and relevant.

-        The gender dimension is explicitly and convincingly included in the research proposal.

-        The two-way transfer of knowledge between the host and the researcher is realistic and convincingly described. The researcher will add new skills on … and will increase experience on… The host institution will benefit from the research experience on…

-        The supervisor has an excellent scientific reputation and publication in line with the project requirements. The supervisor has extensive experience in hosting and supervising researchers.

-        Regular meetings with the supervisor, combined with lab meetings/seminars/conferences with other researchers.

-        It is expected that the integration of the researchers into the team/institution would be smooth and effective.

-        The researcher’s research experience demonstrates a perfect match between the researcher’s profile and the project.

-        The researcher has demonstrated determination in preparing the personal research career by pursuing numerous directed research training opportunities, with a capacity to develop useful collaborations.


                                        Avtorica slike: Liza Stančič, ZRC SAZU



-        The training at the host organisation will widen the competencies of the researcher and will enable the enhancement of future career perspectives.

-        The researcher convincingly argues that they will acquire high-quality new academic competencies and complementary skills in a broad range of areas relevant to their career ambitions: building collaborations, co-operating internationally, academic writing, public speaking…

-        The researcher has plans to be involved in the teaching and supervising activities at the host which is an important aspect to enhance their future career prospects.

-        Skills that will be acquired are properly identified and relevant for the future career.

-        The researcher’s career plan is ambitious and the measures to achieve the goal are realistic.

-        The ambitious and convincing scientific dissemination plan is presented, including reports and meeting with professional communities.

-        Project results will be disseminated effectively through an open data policy, publication in high-profile journals and participation in specialized conferences.

-        Careful attention is paid to identifying the potential users of the results of the project and designing effective communication strategies for these stakeholders.

-        The proposal outlines promising and well-identified elements to effectively disseminate the results to different target audiences via websites, social media and regular meetings with stakeholders.

-        The host institution offers the researcher engagement with a large and productive organisation with links to a global research community.

-        There is a coherent plan presented ensuring intellectual property rights will be protected.

-        The potential industrial applications of the expected results would contribute positively to the European economy.

-        Collaboration with industries may open new opportunities for career in the non-academic sector.

-        Plans for the communication of project activities to wider audiences are clearly stated in the proposal.

-        The public engagement activities will create significant awareness of the performed research.

-        Various communication techniques together with social media will be applied to reach a wide range of audiences.


                                        Avtorica slike: Liza Stančič, ZRC SAZU



-        The proposal presents a well-articulated and realistic work plan. The coherence and effectiveness of the work plan are satisfactory, as it is well designed to achieve the desired impact.

-        The proposal has a clear and appropriately divided work package structure which includes impacts and training activities.

-        The work plan includes references to all of the components of the project that are mentioned in the different sections of the proposal, namely the training and dissemination activities in addition to the research activities, which enhances the credibility of the activities.

-        Milestones and deliverables are properly defined and they are consistent. Moreover, the relationships between the creation of the researcher’s capacities and their use are clearly shown.

-        The given time frames are realistic. A Gantt chart is provided that allows a clear overview of the effectiveness of the research and training.

-        The workload is well balanced for finalizing the project within the proposed time frame.

-        A person-month evaluation is given for each WP, well correlated with the specific proposed activities.

-        Non-human resource allocation for research and training is presented clearly.

-        The risk involved are appropriately considered and contingency measures are provided.

-        A detailed and practical contingency table with description, proposed mitigation measures and level of risk has been compiled and stated.

-        Progress monitoring mechanisms are in place.

-        Regular scientific discussions are planned to occur with the supervisors, as well as group meetings and seminars at the host, which are useful measures to monitor project progress.

-        The contribution of the host institution to the research and training activities is clearly described and very adequate.

-        The institutional environment is appropriate for the successful outcome of the proposed work.

-        The infrastructure at the beneficiary and the access to facilities would support the researcher.

-        The competencies and experience of the participating organisations are well presented.

-        The host institution will manage all administrative and financial aspects of the proposal.

                                            Avtorica slike: Liza Stančič, ZRC SAZU

Na koncu posredujemo še splošne ugotovitve, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri pripravi predloga MSCA podoktorskega projekta. Avtorica zaključkov v spodnji sliki je dr. Darija Feizpour iz Inštituta za kovinske materiale in tehnologije – IMT.