Evropska komisija nas je obvestila, da bodo v naslednjih dneh organizirali virtualne dogodke, ki so lahko zanimivi tudi za MSCA skupnost.
Vljudno vabljeni!
- 25-28 April 2023 : EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2023 – the last day is especially interesting for MSCA fellows and projects, as the European Patent Office (EPO), the European IP Helpdesk and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) are offering free online courses to improve skills in intellectual assets management: https://research-innovation-community.ec.europa.eu/events/rF2UaVBFdp7axYkmpZ0Q4/programme
- 28 April 2023: Careers after the MSCA fellowship - alternative careers beyond academia & industry – Organised by the Marie Curie Alumni Association: https://mariecuriealumni-eu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMud-uorDIqGdUliCZHA9k1H6529ReqbM1k#/registration
- 4 May 2023: Exploring
funding opportunities in the EU and beyond: Advice for researchers from
Ukraine – Organised by the MSCA4Ukraine project: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4Fc7W7AaR26ZwKmdtvYHrw?emci=21d7e82b-ebd3-ed11-8e8b-00224832eb73&emdi=070ad6bc-2dd9-ed11-8e8b-00224832eb73&ceid=10465164#/registration
- 10 May 2023: EU - Webinar:
Intellectual Property in EU funded projects with a special focus on MSCA –
organised by the European Commission’s IPR Helpdesk: https://intellectual-property-helpdesk.ec.europa.eu/news-events/events/eu-webinar-ip-eu-funded-projects-special-focus-msca-2023-05-10_en
- 24 May 2023: Info session on Horizon
Results Booster – steering research towards a strong societal impact – organised by the European
Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/docs/h2020-funding-guide/other/event230524.htm