četrtek, 27. januar 2022

Informacija Evropske komisije: Horizon Impact Award 2022: open for applications

We are happy to announce that the Horizon Impact Award 2022 edition was successfully launched on 6 January 2022!


This award is the European Commission's initiative to recognise and celebrate outstanding projects that have used their results to provide value for society. The applicants will need to demonstrate that their results have created societal impact across Europe and beyond. The contest is open to all legal entities, individuals or teams that have completed an FP7 and/or Horizon 2020 project. In order to be eligible, the projects must have ended by close of the contest, i.e. by the deadline for submission.


We invite you to visit the Horizon Impact Award webpage to learn more about the award criteria and information on how to apply. The applicants can apply via the Funding and Tenders Portal until the 8 March 2022.


Informacija Evropske komisije: launch of the New Industry 5.0 Award contest

The New Industry 5.0 Award contest dedicated to EU-funded projects whose results make European industry more resilient, sustainable, and human-centric has been launched today.

Eligible projects must have obtained funding from Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe or the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (MSCA projects can apply!). The official start date of the project must be after 31 August 2018 and the projects should clearly be applicable in industry. The deadline for submission is 1 April 2022 – 17:00 CET (Brussels time).

Projects will be evaluated by a high-level independent jury from industry, civil society, social partners, and academia. The winner will receive communication support from the European Commission, including the preparation of a promotional video, social media publicity through Commission channels and an article in the Horizon Magazine. Finalists will be invited to the award Ceremony during the annual R&I Days in June 2022 where they will be able to exhibit their projects.

More info available here

Informacija Evropske komisije: publication of the MSCA Guidelines for the inclusion of researchers at risk


The MSCA  Guidelines for the inclusion of researchers at risk have been published on the MSCA website: https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/about-msca/guidelines-for-inclusion-of-researchers-at-risk.

You can also find the direct link to the publication here: https://op.europa.eu/s/vvN6


Researchers at risk include researchers, scholars and scientists at all stages of their careers who are experiencing threats to their life, liberty or research career, and those who are forced to flee or have been displaced because of such threats. Some researchers at risk have recognised refugee status, asylum status, or similar protection status. However a more significant proportion of those seeking the assistance of NGOs specialising in the field of scholar protection are outside the refugee process, seeking or holding temporary visas/work permits through visiting research/scholar positions at host institutions in Europe or elsewhere, outside their home countries.


The MSCA Guidelines for the Inclusion of Researchers at Risk provide useful background on researchers at risk and recommend ways to improve their recruitment. The guidelines have been developed by the European Commission with the help of the Inspireurope project project, a Europe-wide initiative to support researchers at risk funded by the MSCA.

Obvestilo Evropske komisije o odprti znanosti : Open Research Europe: the EC’s open access publishing platform for scientific articles for H2020 and HE

 We would like to provide you with more info about Open Research Europe, the European Commission’s open access publishing platform for scientific articles for Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.  


Open Research Europe is an original publishing venue, like a journal, not a repository (where papers already published somewhere else are deposited): submitted research must be original, not be submitted anywhere else for publication, and stem from a Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe grant in which at least one of the authors is involved.


The platform implements rigorous scientific standards which are overseen by an international Scientific Advisory Board. Since its launch in March 2021, more than 160 articles have already been published, showing the interest of the research community in this new publishing venue.


The publishing venue accepts articles in all fields of science including the natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, agricultural and veterinary sciences, social sciences, humanities and the arts. It showcases a variety of article types ranging from research articles to methods and essays.   


Publishing in Open Research Europe is an optional service. Because the European Commission covers all costs upfront, there is no author fee, which means also no administrative burden.  Moreover, there is the guarantee of automatic compliance with the open access requirements of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. Lastly, Open Research Europe is also a solution to publish articles even after the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe grant has ended. Most importantly, however, Open Research Europe is a reliable peer-reviewed publishing service of high scientific quality, with swift publication times. 


Open Research Europe champions open science principles and scientific transparency by immediately publishing articles, followed by transparent, invited and open peer review with the inclusion of all supporting data and materials. The names of the reviewers are open, as well as their reviews, which are also citable. Article-level metrics will continuously track the scientific and social impact of publications. Ultimately, Open Research Europe will give everyone, researchers and citizens alike, free-of-charge access to the latest scientific discoveries.   


More information on Open Research Europe is available on the website, which contains helpful tips, guides and FAQs, including how to prepare articles and data for submission.


The Twitter account @OpenResearch_EU and the newsletter also feature relevant updates, calls for papers, and the latest content from Open Research Europe. They also set up a YouTube tutorial playlist. 


Obvestilo prijaviteljem MSCA projektov: IT issues for Horizon Europe proposals in grant preparation

 This is to inform you about two issues affecting beneficiaries  currently in grant agreement preparation.

i)                   Issue concerning the Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

There was a mistake in the IT implementation of the eligibility criterion on gender equality plans (GEPs). They become obligatory only for calls with deadline after 1.1.2022.

Due to a technical issue, the check for existence of a GEP has been activated for all projects entering grant preparation in 2022  The issue is now corrected. In case your beneficiaries (from 2021 calls) still see  the error message ‘ gender plan missing’, they should re-apply the ‘validate’ button. In the unlikely event that the issue persists, they should contact the service desk.

ii)                   Organisation category ‘International European Research Organization (IERO)’

 The IERO status applies only to a very limited number of organisations (example: CERN). Due to a change of legal definitions in the transition from H2020 to Horizon Europe, this status became ‘undefined’ for all organisations. This lead to a blocking in the grant agreement preparation.

  Applicable solution:

A patch was applied on 20 January, setting the IERO status to ‘ No’ for the vast majority of organisations, thus unblocking the grant agreement preparation. For cases that cannot be corrected automatically, the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR)  of the organisation (or one of the Account Administrators) has to modify the ‘International Organisation’ and ‘IERO’ attributes in the participant management module under the Funding & Tenders Portal.:

 Go to My Organisation -> legal information-> edit organisation, and set the fields for 'International Organisation' and 'International European Research Organisation' to the value ('yes' or 'no') applicable to your organisation.

petek, 14. januar 2022


V spodnji tabeli je seznam razpisov MSCA v programu Obzorje Evropa v letu 2022. Več podrobnosti o razpisih lahko poiščete na spletni strani: 


Na MIZŠ bomo za vsak razpis organizirali informativni dan in delavnico. Prijave in druga vprašanja sprejemamo na naslovu stojan.sorcan@gov.si

Vljudno vabljeni!

četrtek, 13. januar 2022


Razpis Obzorje Evropa MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021 



Razpis v vrednosti 72,5 milijonov EUR je odprt do 9. marca 2022!


V okviru ukrepov MSCA je razpis izmenjave osebja namenjena financiranju kratkoročnih mednarodnih, medsektorskih in interdisciplinarnih izmenjav osebja, od enega meseca do enega leta, in sicer za osebje, ki je vključeno v raziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost v organizacijah.

Namen izmenjav osebja je v razvijanju trajnejših oblik projektnega sodelovanja med različnimi organizacijami v akademskem in ne-akademskem sektorju (zlasti z majhnimi in srednjimi podjetji) v Evropi in izven nje. Raziskovalno in drugo osebje mora v tej izmenjavi obogatiti karierni razvoj ter pridobiti nova znanja in veščine. Vključene organizacije pa morajo povečati svoje raziskovalne in inovacijske sposobnosti.

Kdo se lahko prijavi na razpis MSCA Staff Exchanges?

Na razpis se lahko prijavi mednarodni konzorcij univerz, raziskovalnih inštitutov, podjetij in drugih ne-akademskih institucij.

Konzorcij mora izpolnjevati naslednje pogoje:

  •         najmanj tri organizacije v treh različnih državah; dve od njih morata biti v različnih državah članicah EU ali državah, ki so pridružene Obzorju Evropa
  •         nad tem minimumom je možno sodelovanje katerekoli druge države
  •        v primeru, da so vse sodelujoče organizacije iz istega sektorja (akademskega ali ne-akademskega), mora biti vsaj ena iz tretje države, ki ni pridružena Obzorju Evropa
  •         interdisciplinarno sodelovanje je možno znotraj posameznega sektorja znotraj Evrope v obsegu ene tretjine projekta.

Izbor osebja za izmenjavo naredijo organizacije, ki so vključene v konzorcij.

Trajanje projekta MSCA Staff Exchanges je dolgo 4 leta v obsegu 360 oseb za mesec dni.

Kaj je financirano iz projekta MSCA Staff Exchanges?

Iz projekta je financirana kratkoročna mobilnost zaposlenega raziskovalnega, inovacijskega ali drugega osebja, ki je vključeno v raziskovalno in inovacijsko.  dejavnost od enega meseca do enega leta, na eni ali več organizacijah. Iz sredstev projekta MSCA Staff Exchanges se ne financira plača.Osebje se mora iz mobilnostne sheme vrniti nazaj na svojo matično institucijo.

Izmenjava osebja mora biti med državami EU ali državami, ki so pridružene Obzorju Evropa, med različnima sektorjema (akademski ali ne-akademski), razen če je izmenjava interdisciplinarna. S tretjimi državami, ki niso pridružene Obzorju Evropa, je možna izmenjava znotraj istega sektorja in iste discipline.  

Iz sredstev MSCA Staff Exchanges se lahko financirajo raziskovalci, katerekoli nacionalnosti, ki so na katerikoli stopnji razvoja, od doktorskih do podoktorskih raziskovalcev, vključno z administrativnim, tehničnim ali upravljavskim osebjem, ki je vključeno v raziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost. Osebje, ki je vključeno v mobilnostno shemo mora biti na organizaciji zaposleno vsaj en mesec pred odhodom v drugo državo.

Osebje na izmenjavi lahko prejme finančna sredstva za potovanje, namestitev ipd. Sredstva MSCA Staff Exchange so namenjena tudi raziskovalnim stroškom, stroškom izobraževanja, upravljanja in posrednim stroškom organizacij, ne pa za sredstva plač, ki jih morajo zagotavljati organizacije, kjer je osebje zaposleno.

Več informacij:

