sreda, 16. februar 2022

Obvestilo Evropske komisije: First edition of the New European Bauhaus - 09-12 June 2022 - calls for applicants open

The first edition of the New European Bauhaus will take place in Brussels between 9 and 12 June, with events in the city of Brussels and further afield, both online and on location. Calls to invite creators, scientists, innovators and all interested people to be part of this first edition have been launched recently and we are now inviting everybody to apply to the calls for side events, cultural and artistic performances and contributions to the fair.  Especially for the fair, we are looking for projects that can show how EU-funding positively impacts our future by making it more sustainable, beautiful and inclusive. This can be a great opportunity for research and innovation projects to engage with thousands of citizens, stakeholders and policy makers and gain recognition for their important work.

We would therefore like to ask for your help to reach out to the best projects across Europe and invite them to become part of this exciting initiative.

 The calls for the different activities will close on 7 March 2022. In early April 2022, the Commission will notify the applicants of the results of the selection process, including what type of support can be offered to each.


You can find more detailed information on this website: You can also find the press release here and a toolkit with social media materials and a factsheet to help you spread the word amongst beneficiaries here.   

ponedeljek, 14. februar 2022

Danes smo izvedli krajši informativni dogodek o povezovanju razpisa MSCA podoktorske štipendije in EURATOM

V sodelovanju z Evropsko komisijo, Institutom Jožef Stefan in Univerzo v Ljubljani smo danes izvedli krajši informativni dogodek o povezovanju razpisa MSCA podoktorske štipendije in EURATOM. Predstavitvi si lahko pogledate na naslednjem naslovu: 

Stojan Sorčan, MIZŠ, NCP MSCA :

Anouk Lafortune, European Commission, DG EAC, Policy Officer:

Obvestilo Evropske komisije: The Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ call is now open

Iz Evropske komisije so zaprosili vse NCPje za MSCA, da po svojih omrežjih delimo informacijo o razpisu: The Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ 

Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ call : Participate in the implementation of the Horizon Europe Mission Soil by submitting your proposals. Under the call there are 8 topics that require various areas of expertise, from soil science to SSH, and different actors, such as researchers, farmers or local authorities. Projects financed under these topics will identify research gaps, validate and develop indicators for soil health and functions and understand the link between soil health and nutritional and safe food. Furthermore, some projects will focus on new business models, engagement with regions and municipalities, capacity building for the future establishment of living labs, while others will create a new generation of soil advisors.

Go to the call: Search Funding & Tenders (

For further clarifications on the call, watch the recording of the Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” Info Day: EU Missions info days | European Commission (

The Deadline for submissions is the 24 March 2022, 17:00 Brussels time.


Obvestilo Evropske komisije: 116 project proposals have been submitted to the MSCA COFUND Call

Evropska komisija je sporočila, da je na razpis MSCA COFUND prispelo 116 projektnih predlogov. Med njimi je pet slovenskih predlogov, in sicer iz Kemijskega inštituta, Univerze na Primorskem, Univerze v Ljubljani in Univerze v Novi Gorici.  Na razpisu je na razpolago 89 milijonov EUR. Rezultati evalvacijskega razpisa bodo znani julija 2022. Za izbrane projekte bodo podpisane pogodbe o sodelovanju v oktobru 2022. 


Obvestilo Evropske komisije: A manifesto to maximise the accessibility of research results in the fight against COVID-19

The Commission launched a manifesto to maximise the accessibility of research results in the fight against COVID-19 in July 2020.


The manifesto provides guiding principles for beneficiaries of EU research grants for coronavirus prevention, testing, treatment and vaccination to ensure that their research results will be accessible for all and guarantee a return on public investment. The manifesto seeks the voluntary support and endorsement from public and private stakeholders benefitting from EU funding, other research funders and prominent individuals and institutions. Endorsing the manifesto does not entail legal implications for signed grants.


Since the validity of the Manifesto has been extended by one year, until 1 January 2023, as it remains highly relevant in the fight against the pandemic and its consequences, we invite you to encourage all your relevant stakeholders, fellows and projects to endorse it. The Manifesto can be endorsed by organisations or individuals.


You can endorse the Manifesto here.

sobota, 12. februar 2022

Zadnji dnevi za pisanje projektov MSCA izmenjava osebja, rok: 9. marec 2022

Na razpisu MSCA izmenjava osebja je namenjenih 72,5 milijona EUR za kratkoročno raziskovalna in inovativno mobilnost (od enega meseca do enega leta) raziskovalnega osebja. Na razpis se lahko prijavi konzorcij univerz, inštitutov in podjetij oz. ne-akademskih organizacij. 

Več o vsebini razpisa:

Več podrobnosti na straneh Evropske komisije:

Mala šola MSCA: osnovna dejstva in podatki

 Objavljamo letak Evropske komisije o osnovnih dejstvih in podatkih o MSCA.