četrtek, 14. april 2022

Vabilo iz Francije za podoktorske raziskovalke in raziskovalce: MSCA postdoctoral fellowship springboard at Nantes Université

Nacionalna kontaktna točka iz Francije nas je obvestila, da je do 6. maja 2022 odprt poziv Nantes University za prijavo podoktorske MSCA štipendije:

I would like to share with you information on this initiative put in place by Nantes University in France to attract MSCA PF fellows.


They offer fellowships to fund short mobility of postdoctoral candidates willing to apply to MSCA PF-2022 in one of the universities of Pays de la Loire region. Selected candidates will benefit from a training on proposal writing and will be given opportunity to travel to France in late June-early July to prepare their proposals with their supervisors.


Deadline for applications is the 6 of May.


You will find more information in this article :


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