četrtek, 14. september 2023

Za MSCA podoktorske štipendije se bo letos potegovalo 8.039 predlogov projektov

Evropska komisija je sporočila, da je na razpis za MSCA podoktorske štipendije prišlo 8.039 predlogov projektov, in sicer 7.178 za evropske in 861 predlogov projektov za globalne štipendije. 

Evropska komisija pričakuje, da bo financirala okoli 1.250 projektov s približno 260,47 milijonov EUR. 

Rezultati razpisa bodo predvidoma znani v februarju 2024. 

Močno držimo pesti, da bodo slovenski prijavitelji, tako tisti, ki ste se prijavili s tujimi gostujočimi organizacijami,  kot tisti, ki ste se prijavili z našimi raziskovalnimi organizacijami, čim višje uvrščeni na seznamu financiranja. 

V nadaljevanju prilagamo uradno informacijo Evropske komisije o časovnici v zvezi z oddanimi projekti: 

Below you will find an indicative timeline of the call evaluation and results:

-                     Mid-September 2023 to mid-February 2024: Evaluation by the European Research Executive Agency and external independent expert evaluators.

-                      Mid-February 2024: Notification of call results to applicants, including those eligible for ERA fellowships.        

o   Applicants will be able to access the results of the evaluation on their personal space of the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal.

o   An overview of the evaluation results, cut-off scores and statistics will be published on the page of the call Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023.

-                      April 2024: Award of Seal of Excellence certificates for eligible applicants.

-                      April-June 2024: Expected signature of the grant agreement with the European Commission for successful projects.

-                      As of April 2024: First EU-funded projects start. Projects can start at the latest up to two years after the call deadline (i.e. September 2025).

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