Evropska komisija je objavila pomembne strateške dokumente in podatke o znanosti, raziskovanju in inovacijah v EU.
Poznavanje teh dokumentiov je pomembno za pripravo in pisanje vaših MSCA raziskovalnih projektov. Spodaj prilagamo izvorno sporočilo Evropske komisije o dokumentih in spletno povezevo do njih.
The Commission adopted on 5 July the New
European Innovation Agenda to position Europe at the forefront of the
new wave of deep tech innovation and start-ups. The objective of the new Agenda
is to help Europe developing new technologies to address the most pressing
societal challenges.
The Commission also published a new Guidance
document on synergies between Horizon Europe and the European Regional
Development Fund programme (part of the New European Innovation
Agenda). The purpose of this document is to outline the new opportunities
available to the managing authorities of the cohesion policy
programmes, national HE contact points and HE project promoters/proposers and to
make it easier to use the relevant mechanisms such as the Seal of excellence,
transfers, cumulative funding etc. It focuses on synergies between Horizon
Europe and the European Research and Development Fund (ERDF)
Finally, the latest edition of DG Research
& Innovation flagship report Science,
Research and Innovation Performance of the EU 2022 has also been
released last week. The report analyses research and innovation dynamics as well
as Europe's performance on science and innovation and their drivers. The report
combines a thorough indicator-based analysis with deep dives into topical policy