torek, 6. december 2022

Delavnica za pripravo projektov na razpis MSCA COFUND 2022

V torek, 13. decembra 2022 bomo med 10.00 in 14.00 na MIZŠ izvedli delavnico za pripravo projektov na rzapis MSCA COFUND 2022. 

Namen delavnice je, da se čim bolje seznanite z vsebino projektne prijave, ki jo terjajo posamezni evalvacijski kriteriji.

To bomo naredili tako, da se boste na osnovi vnaprej pripravljenega gradiva seznanili s tistimi pozitivnimi in negativnimi ocenami in recenzentskimi komentarji za posamezne evalvacijske pod-kriterije, ki se vam zdijo najpomembnejši ali problematični za pripravo vašega predloga projekta.

Na takšen način se bomo seznanili z vsebinskimi zahtevami razpisa in pridobili zelo dober vpogled v evalvacijske zahteve, ki jih boste lahko koristno uporabili pri pisanju vaše MSCA COFUND prijave.

Prilagam okvirni časovni program delavnice:

10.00 – 10.30 Uvod in predstavitev splošnih navodil za pisanje MSCA COFUND prijave Stojan Sorčan

10.30 – 11.30 Kriterij ”Excellence”: PPT predstavitev in analiza projektnih ocen, ki so jih prejeli udeleženci

11.30 – 12.00 odmor 

12.00 – 12.30 Kriterij ”Impact”: PPT predstavitev in analiza projektnih ocen, ki so jih prejeli udeleženci

12.30 – 13.00  Kriterij ”Implementation”: PPT predstavitev in analiza projektnih ocen, ki so jih prejeli udeleženci

13.00 – 14.00 Razprava in ugotovitve 

Na delavnico se lahko še prijavite na 👉

oziroma na mail:

Gradivo iz predstavitve razpisa Obzorje Evropa MSCA COFUND 2022

Iz spletne predstavitve razpisa Obzorje Evropa MSCA COFUND 2022 vam posredujemo gradivo v PDF obliki: 

1. 👉 Osnove MSCA razpisov 

2. 👉 Pogoji in struktura prijave MSCA COFUND projektov 

 3. 👉 Kriterij odličnosti pri MSCA COFUND projektih 

4. 👉 Kriterij vpliva pri MSCA COFUND projektih 

5. 👉 Kriterij učinkovite izvedbe pri MSCA COFUND projektih

sreda, 23. november 2022

Link to the video presentation: Info session on Horizon Results Booster – steering research towards a strong societal impact

Supported by the European Commission, Horizon Results Booster services are delivered to FP7, H2020, and HE projects at no cost. The free-of-charge services are provided by experts and cover several paths in Dissemination and Exploitation activities, notably Portfolio Dissemination and Exploitation, Business Plan Development, and Go to Market service. The info session covered information about the services and include testimonials from those who have already benefited from Horizon Results Booster.

👉 Watch the recording and get the presentations!

Link to the video presentation: IP Management in EU funded projects with a special focus on Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions

Supported by the European Commission, the Intellectual Property Helpdesk provides free advice on IP to European start-ups and other SMEs involved in EU-funded collaborative research projects and EU funded projects and fellows. This webinar provided an overview of key aspects in the field of intellectual property management in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, like peculiarities of MSCA grant and Consortium Agreements or relevant issues in writing MSCA Proposals. 

The training addressed the following points:

  • Relevant IP issues for MSCA proposals

- Particularities of MSCA grant agreements

- Ownership of background and results

- Questions from MSCA participants received at the EIPRHD

- MSCA success stories

👉 Watch the recording on YouTube!

Link to the video presentation: Reset Webinar on gender in research and innovation

The Webinar  "#RESET your project with gender” provides hands-on guidance and tools for integration of concepts of gender and diversity into research projects. 

The webinar included presentations from representatives of the European Commission and researchers who succeeded in the submission of gender-sensitive project proposals for European funding calls. The members of the RESET team also presented the tools developed in the project, such as a checklist and guidelines for Gender Impact Assessment. Members of the audience were able to have an insight into gender integration in different fields of study and phases of a project, as well as ask their questions and receive some tips during the Q&A session.

👉 Watch the recording on Youtube! 

Link to the video presentation on Open Science in Horizon Europe

Here is 👉 a link to a webinar on Open Science in Horizon Europe, hosted by the professional association OpenAIR.

Presentation content: 

  • Mandatory and recommended Open Science requirements in HE.
  • Compliance with the HE Open Access to publications mandate.
  • Managing and sharing Research Data in HE projects.
  • Delivering Data Management Plans and reporting publications and datasets in HE.
  • OpenAIRE tools and services to support HE projects.

Povezava do video predstavitve o odprti znanosti v Obzorju Evropa

Posredujemo povezavo do webinarja o odprti znanosti vObzorju Evropa, ki je nastal v okviru evropskega strokovnega združenja OpenAIR.  

👉 Povezava do video vsebine od odprti znanosti v Obzorju Evropa

Vsebina predstavitve:

  •  Mandatory and recommended Open Science requirements in HE.
  • Compliance with the HE Open Access to publications mandate.
  • Managing and sharing Research Data in HE projects.
  • Delivering Data Management Plans and reporting publications and datasets in HE.
  • OpenAIRE tools and services to support HE projects.