torek, 3. maj 2022

Vabilo za prijavo podoktorskih štipendij MSCA na štirih italijanskih univerzah

Od italijanskega NCP za MSCA smo prejeli informacijo, da University of Bergamo,  University of Siena in University of Turin vabita podoktorske študente, da z njimi prijavijo MSCA PF štipendije. 

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- University of Bergamo

- University of Siena

- University of Turin

"MSCA@UniTo offers an extraordinary opportunity to postdoctoral researchers eager to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF-2022-01-01) choosing the University of Turin as host institution.

30 top candidates will be selected to join an exceptional programme designed to:

- inform on the MSCA-PF funding scheme and its opportunities

- train on how to write a successful proposal and address key research issues

- support the whole proposal writing process, until the submission, by involving specifically trained research managers and administrative professionals."

Na Ca’ Foscari University of Venice je odprt tudi drugi poziv za podoktorske štipendije v okviru MSCA COFUND, in sicer za program z naslovom “Global at Venice - Research and Training for Global Challenges”.  

"The programme, funded through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND scheme, gives 15 talented researchers from all over the world the opportunity to undertake their research and training activity at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice."

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